Category: Vovinam

An introduction to Martial Arts of Viet Nam

Since the early days of Viet Nam’s history, the Vietnamese have always had to fight against invasions, especially from the armies of various Chinese dynasties. Historians of Vietnamese Martial Arts usually trace the roots to Vietnam’s origin (first settlement on this territory date back to 2879 B.C.), during Hung Vuong dynasty. A more realistic date seems to be about the X – XI centuries A.D.

Category: Vovinam

Vovinam History

Master Nguyen Loc believed that the only way to free Vietnam from the colonial rule was to train the Vietnamese young men to have a strong, invincible will for liberty and independence. That would must be produced by a strong body and a rational mind. Therefore, he began his missions to train the Vietnamese youth to have a moral and invincible spirit: "Live, Help others live, and Live for others."