Find a Vovinam School. Everywhere.
Vovinam World Map is a service aimed at listing all clubs of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo available worldwide. We are a growing community of people who are contributing to this huge task in order to offer a free service.
School's info updated regularly
Users can find Vovinam club/school close to their location, using the website They also have the possibility of contributing to the website by adding or modifying a new address, thus ensuring that the information is up-to-date for all the other address.
All the details sent to Vovinam World Map are checked by our team before publication. In order to ensure that as much information available on is as accurate as possible, we have developed partnerships with international clubs/schools and federations in order to get as much certified information as possible.
Let's contribute to the development of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo
Vovinam World Map is part of project that is independent of all others federal structures and organizations. We are providing a list of all Vovinam clubs available worldwide for finding them easily.
With Vovinam World Map, anyone can contribute to developing Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo by providing a solution to a key issue : locating all Vovinam clubs/schools in the world.
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