Vietnamese culture appraised at ASEAN Bazaar 2014 in Mexico

Vovinam performed by six martial arts instructors from the Mexican Vovinam Federation attracted a large audience at the ASEAN Bazaar 2014, on Novbber 24th in Mexico city.

Five ASEAN countries including Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand attended the event.

Ms. Marta Gonzalez, staff from Banorte Bank, said that many mbbers of her family are learning Vovinam in Alvaro Obregon and Cuauhtboc districts. Her family plans to register their 12 year-old paternal grandchild from Sabindo Rodriguez high school to learn Vovinam

At the Bazaar, the booth of the Vietnamese Embassy also exhibited lacquer paintings, palm-leaf conical hats, traditional costumes and dishes, attracting a large number of visitors.

The staff of the Embassy also performed traditional costumes and introduced publications about achievbents of Vietnam in the cause of renovation as well as the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country.

The bazaar is an annual event organized by ASEAN mbber nations with representative agencies in Mexico to enhance cultural exchange and promote image of the countries and people of ASEAN mbbers, as well as boost the friendly and cooperation relations with the local country.

Malaysian Ambassador to Mexico Jamalyah Cinti Mohamed Yosof stressed that the bazaar had a great significance because it took place in the context of ASEAN mbber countries were making efforts to establish ASEAN Community by 2015.

Commercial Counselor of the Vietnamese Embassy in Mexico Hoang Tuan Viet said that although the world economy had not recovered, the implbentation of the two-way trade target between Vietnam and Mexico exceeding USD1.6 billion this year was entirely feasible./.
