Myanmar begins teaching Vovinam

Myanmar has introduced the Vietnamese martial arts Vovinam into the curricula of two national sport acadbies in Yangon and Mandalay, according to Quan doi Nhan dan (People’s Army) newspaper.

The move was based on a decision by Myanmar’s sports ministry and the martial art federation to develop the sport in the long term.

Myanmar has supported Vietnam’s effort to include Vovinam in the competition at the 29th SEA Games hosted by Malaysia in 2017.

Founded in 1938, Vovinam is practised with and without weapons. It varies between hard and soft movbents and requires training the body and the mind.

Currently, the martial art has spread to more than 50 countries worldwide.

World Vovinam Championship have been organised so far, with the fourth taking place in Algeria in 2015, attracting the participation of 250 officials, referees and contestants from 20 countries worldwide.
