African Vovinam Federation set up

A delegation of the World Vovinam Federation, including Vice Standing Chairman Le Quoc An and General Secretary Vo Danh Hai, has left for Algeria to attend a conference on the establishment

of the African Vovinam Federation.

After nearly one year of preparation, the conference is taking place in the capital city of Algiers on January 10th-11th.

The Vovinam movement has been developing in some African countries such as Burkina Faso, Algeria, Senegal, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Mali, Maroc, Mauritani, and Senegal. In Algeria alone, there are hundreds of martial arts clubs with a total of more than 10,000 regular practitioners.

The World Vovinam Federation was founded in 2008, the Asian Vovinam Federation was set up in Iran in 2009, and the European Vovinam Federation was founded in France in 2010. Earlier, on January 5th, at the invitation of the Algerian Martial Arts Federation, a delegation of Vovinam experts led by instructor Nguyen Van Chieu left Vietnam to begin a short training course for African instructors and coaches.

Right after the participation in the 26th SEA Games , the establishment of the African Vovinam Federation is a strong impetus for growth and shows the strength of the movement worldwide. It is not only an opportunity to reinforce the structure of Vovinam martial arts organizations in Africa, it is hoped that gathering these organizations under a governing body will enable followers to improve as well as deeply advertise the beauties of Vietnamese culture to international friends.

A lot of people hope Vovinam will become one of the most poualr sports in the world in the near future./.
