A Western knight popularizes Vietnamese martial arts

Patrick Levet, a French citizen living in Spain, has been granted a high-class certification in Vovinam, a Vietnamese martial arts, from the Vovinam Vietnam League.

Patrick started studying Vovinam in

1978. He said that practicing Vovinam without knowing much about Vietnam and its people meant grasping a less profound understanding of the martial arts.

Patrick has traveled to Vietnam frequently to further study Vovinam after meeting for the first time the martial arts instructor Mr. Nguyen Van Chieu, vice president of Vovinam Vietnam League in 1991. At that time Patrick was a member of the European martial arts delegation on a performance tour in Vietnam.

Being a linguist, Patrick have good command of 11 different languages, including English, French, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese as well.

Patrick is teaching French and martial arts in a school in Singapore. His class has about 30 students. He offers them lectures without any charge with the hope of introducing such a martial arts to Singaporeans.

Adoring the uniqueness of Vietnamese martial arts, Patrick now deeply understands Vietnam’s culture and history. He said, he would try his best to make Vietnamese martial arts known worldwide.

Source: TP

Translated by Mai Huong
