21 countries attended the World Vovinam Championships in Algeria

From July 28 to July 31, representatives of the Vovinam movement of 21 countries around the world will gather in Algiers, the capital of the Republic of Algeria to the Democratic People’s tournament climax of subjects Vovinam – Vietnamese Vo Dao.

Apart from countries with advantages in professional competition achievements such as Vietnam, Iran, Germany, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Switzerland, Romania, …, most African countries as Bukina Faso, Morocco, Ivory Coast and Senegal have also actively practicing and participating fully. Algeria host country is also a bright candidate for delegation 3 position this year.

According to the organizing committee in Algeria, World Vovinam Championship attracted nearly 250 times IV officials, referees, athletes compete over 74 categories of competition performances and countervailing rights.

Just over 10 years development, but Algeria has more than 10 thousand students with more than 200 clubs Vovinam.

The presence and popularity in Algeria in particular and Africa in general has marked major turning point in the development of elite martial Vietnam. Only in Algeria, from a small club in the capital, Algiers originally, so far, more than 22,000 students participated in practice Vovinam in 30 of 48 provinces of this African nation. Not only to attract the attention and passion of the fans that Vovinam martial arts in Algeria also attracted special attention from the media, the press. All Vovinam Tournament in Algeria are the press agencies and television stations in the national large and direct narrative, attracted tens of millions of followers, enjoy.

Vietnam and Algeria the two countries signed several agreements and important agreements, including the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of culture, sports and information. The current events are of primary concern in these days, that is the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his wife and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam has official visit Algeria from 31 May to 2 months 6 2015 aimed at further tightening the traditional friendly relations based on promoting economic cooperation, culture, trade and investment relations with Algeria, bringing practical benefits to both sides. This is a positive signal to have the opportunity to develop Vovinam comprehensive and deeper in Algeria and Africa, especially when the country will host the World Vovinam Championships fourth place from July 29 to August 2, 2015.

The training course record high population in Algeria

With activities taking place within the framework of the World Vovinam Championships fourth time – this time Algeria in 2015, the Award participants will have the opportunity to exchange and learn experiences and rubbed play, while demonstrating solidarity and friendship, kindness of Vovinam family, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion or language. Besides, the representatives of the International Vovinam movement will also attend the Executive Board World Vovinam Federation (WVVF) 2015, to review and evaluate the results have made in recent years and discuss the development direction of Vovinam worldwide. At the same time, the technical staff, referees and coaches will attend international technical training in order to improve the quality of training and competition of Vovinam, with regulations to modernize and unify all over the world.

Vo Danh Hai – General Secretary of the World Vovinam Federation (right) with Mr. Mohammad Djuadj – Chairman of Federation of Africa in Algeria in 2012.

Afternoon July 26, 2015, speaking to the operating hours to Algerian League and attend the Executive Board World Vovinam Federation Vo Danh Hai WVVF secretary general – said: “After the huge success of World Championship III, along with Vovinam Day in France on the occasion of the French National 2 – Vietnam celebrated the 40th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in July 2013, the World Championship fourth time place in Africa, where many difficulties in terms of infrastructure and development conditions of the movement, however, there is also a good sign when the martial traditions of the Vietnamese people has really spread around five continents world and attracted numerous masters, students attend and interested supporters. This is an opportunity for us to introduce and promote the culture of Vietnam with remote African soil but this owed much grace. ” Known now, Vovinam has been present in 12 countries in Africa and is growing very strongly after the African Federation was established in 2012.

Today, July 27, 2015, Vietnam Vovinam team also sent a strong force to the tournament climax this time, with more than 30 members, including officials, officers representing the General Sports and Vietnam Vovinam Federation, 22 athletes with talent, experience.
